The problem of adding substantial value to shapes
In comparison to other forms of trade marks, such as word or figurative marks, it is very difficult to protect shapes and product designs as 3D trade marks. The main reason for this is the strict interpretation that the European Court of Justice…
Changes in European Union Trademark Regulations set into force October 1st 2017
EU Trademark FAQ
How do I apply for an community trademark with your law firm?
You may use our forms for filing a community trademark or this form to file a german trademark and let us file the application for you. Go through a simple workflow with BREUER LEHMANN.…
Copyright FAQ
What is Copyright - Copyright is form of protection for original works i.e intellectual creations products of the human mind. Copyright protects all kind of creative works only if they are created by a human being as a result of its effort and…
A glossary on Copyright
Adaptations and transformation - common types of a derivative work indeed a new version of an already existing work. That refers to a new creation that relies on an earlier protected work; hence, the second work becomes original work with independent…