Protect your design

Protecting product designs against imitators: the registered design

Have you developed a new and visually unique product design, a stylish item of clothing, beautiful jewellery or a new designer gadget and want to protect it against imitation? Then you should think about design protection. We will be happy to help you with our service packages for registered designs.

An overview of our services

  • Legal advice on the protectability of your design as a registered design
  • Discounted registration of your design (DPMA)
  • Electronic registration of your design at the relevant patent and trade mark office
  • Transmission of the design certificate

Simply send us images of your design using the form below. We will then prepare the application with the responsible office for design protection (German Patent and Trademark Office or European Office for Harmonisation).

  • Design protection Germany
  • 349
  • Protection against imitators of your products in Germany
  • Cost-effective and fast electronic registration
  • Duration until receipt of the certificate: 3-5 months
  • EXPRESS processing possible:
    Registration of your design within 48 hours (plus EUR 100 net)
  • Design protection European Union
  • 449
  • Design protection in 27 countries of the European Union
  • Cost-effective protection of your products against counterfeiters throughout Europe
  • Duration until receipt of the certificate: 2-3 weeks
  • EXPRESS processing possible:
    Registration of your design within 48 hours (plus EUR 100 net)
  • Design protection international
  • 749
  • Protection of your product design in countries outside Europe
  • Electronic registration of your design by specialised lawyers
  • Protection in up to 60 countries worldwide
  • As the official fees vary from country to country, please email us your preferred countries. We will make you a customised offer!


Do you want to register a trade mark? Then click on the following links to go directly to our fixed-price offers for trade mark registration:

Locarno classification for designs

The Locarno Classification serves as an international system for categorising industrial designs and registered designs. The term “design” refers to the external appearance of a product, which includes aspects such as shape, pattern and decorative elements. The main aim of this classification is to provide a uniform method for classifying designs in order to optimise both the search for property rights and the administration of design registrations.

First introduced in 1968 in Locarno, Switzerland, the classification is under the supervision of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). It is structured into classes and subclasses that cover different aspects of design. Each class and subclass has a specific number that classifies designs based on their visual character. This makes it easier to categorise designs and helps to identify similar or related designs and design applications.

As the Locarno Classification is recognised by numerous countries worldwide, it is an advantage when registering designs across borders. It creates consistent terminology and classification, which simplifies international protection and the management of design applications in different jurisdictions.

// Applying for design protection online
// (Design patent)

To register a design, please complete the following form. You will receive a confirmation of receipt immediately. Your order will be processed within the next 4-5 working days.

Design patent

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Describe here in bullet points what your design represents and what the intended use is. Thank you.
Processing by us within 48 hours (working days).

Owner of the Design Patent

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FAQ on design protection for design applicants

What is an industrial design or a design patent?

An industrial design or design patent refers to the external appearance of a product or part thereof, characterised by features such as lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or materials. It is not the technical function of the product, but its visual appearance that is protected.

Why should I register and protect my design?

A design right grants the exclusive right to use the design and prohibit others from using or copying it without permission. This is an important aspect of protecting your investment in design development and branding, as well as deterring copycats.

How long does the protection of a registered design last?

The term of protection may vary depending on the jurisdiction. In many countries, the term of protection of a registered design is usually 5 years from the filing date and can often be extended up to a maximum of 25 years, provided that the necessary renewal fees are paid.

Can I have a design protected internationally?

Yes, there are systems such as WIPO’s Hague System, which allows applicants to apply for design protection in multiple countries or regions with a single application. However, it is important to note that the protection itself is national; i.e. each country or region will decide whether or not to grant protection.

How does a patent differ from a design right?

A patent protects a new and useful invention, in particular how it works or is manufactured. A design right, on the other hand, protects the appearance of a product and not its function. While both forms of intellectual property offer protection, they cover different aspects of an invention or product.

What are the requirements for the images I want to submit for my design application?

Images should be clear and concise and show the design from different angles, including front, back, side, top and bottom views. They should show all key features of the design without distortion.

Please also ensure that the design stands out clearly against the neutral background. The illustrations must not contain any objects that are not part of the design. Dimensions, labelling and additional explanations must also not be present in the illustrations.

Can I use both drawings and images for my application?

Yes, in most jurisdictions you can use both drawings and images.

Do the images have to be in colour or black and white?

This depends on the specific design application. If colour is an essential feature of the design, it may be advisable to submit colour images. Otherwise, black and white images are sufficient in many cases. It is important that the contrast remains clearly recognisable in each case.

How many images should I submit for a complete design application?

You can submit up to 7 images of a design (example: 2 views “left and right”; 2 views “top and bottom”; 2 views “front and back”; 1 perspective view) At least one colour or black and white, photographic or other graphic representation (e.g. line drawing) of the design must be submitted.

Can I add comments or descriptions to my images?

The images of the design itself must not contain any descriptions, dimensions or similar. Also no colour specifications such as Pantone. An additional description can make sense, but regularly limits the protection of the design rather than helping it. In most cases, a description in addition to the images of the design is not useful.