Online Trademark Application TM Application (2025) Your trademark. * Enter the exact word(s)s you want to trademark. Logo (if applicable) Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 5MB please upload your logo here. Products and/or services – What do you want to protect with your trademark? * Your application for a trademark must contain a list of the goods and/or services to be covered by the mark. Simply name the products (Clothing, Bikes) or services (Online-Shop for food,…). Where do you want to register your trademark? * Germany (D) European Union (EU) Please choose your trademark filing package Germany * Basic (Examination, no upfront conflict check, filing process) 289 € Startup (examination, conflict check for identical trademarks, filing process) 399 € Pro (examination, conflict check for identical & similar trademarks, filing process) 799 € Note: All prices cover up to three classes. Prices do not include office fees, legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections. Please choose your trademark filing package European Union * Basic (Examination, no upfront conflict check, filing process) 449 € Startup (examination, conflict check for identical trademarks, filing process) 799 € Pro (examination, conflict check for identical & similar trademarks, filing process) 1.399 € Note: All prices cover up to three classes. Prices do not include office fees, legal defenses in case of oppositions or objections. Express Option – examine and file your trademark faster! Express processing+ 100 € (Legal examination of your trademark application within 48h (Mo-Fr)) Registration of your trademark in 4-6 weeks instead of 4-6 months – Express processing lawyer & express registration at trademark office +300 € Express Option – examine and file your trademark faster! Express processing+ 100 € (Legal examination of your trademark application within 48h (Mo-Fr)) Recommended Trademark Monitoring Germany (1 trademark, 1 year): 249 € / year Including free Attorney consultation, Attorney will discuss options and strategy with you; Register: GPTO, EUIPO and WIPO- Recommended Trademark Monitoring European Union (1 trademark, 1 year): 449 € / year Including free Attorney consultation, Attorney will discuss options and strategy with you; Register: GPTO, EUIPO and WIPO- Trademark Owner Who shall be the trademark owner? * CompanyMsMr Company name * First name and last name * Street / No. * Postal Code * town/city * Contact Info Contact for the application process. * The trademark owner as above. Somebody else. First name, last name * Phone No. incl. Country Code(!) * Fax email * Somethig else you want to let us know? Terms and conditions * Yes, I accept the terms. I have read and agreed to the terms of service. reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank.