Protect Band Names as Trade Marks

The best way to protect your band name is by applying for and registering it as a trade mark. Doing so allows you to effectively prevent third parties from using the same or a similar name for their own purposes.

Why Registering a Trade Mark is Essential

While band names are often protected under the company trademark provision (Section 5 para. 2 MarkenG) through usage, this form of protection comes with challenges:

  • Proof of use: It can be difficult to demonstrate the period and consistency of the band name’s use.
  • Disputes within the band: Issues often arise when members leave, the line-up changes, or the band breaks up. Who gets to continue using the name?
  • Breaks in activity: Protection under company trademark law depends on continuous use, meaning it can be lost if the band takes an extended hiatus.

These uncertainties can be avoided by registering your band name as a trade mark. This ensures robust legal protection against unauthorized use.

Who Can Register a Trade Mark for the Band Name?

  • The band as an entity, such as a GbR (civil-law partnership).
  • Individual band members.
  • A single person, such as the founder of the band.
  • German trade mark: Starting from EUR 289 net, plus official fees of EUR 290.
  • European trade mark: Starting from EUR 449 net, plus official fees of EUR 850.
  • International trade marks: We can provide custom quotes for protection in countries outside the EU.

Protect Your Band Name Now

Protecting your band name is simple and quick with our online application process:

  1. Complete the trademark application form (takes less than five minutes).
  2. Our team will contact you shortly to finalize the process.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us by telephone. We’re here to help secure your band’s name and ensure your creative identity remains protected.

We look forward to working with you!

Das internationale Fachmagazin

BREUER LEHMANN has been one of the top law firms for trade mark applications in Germany since (1st place in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 by number of trade mark applications in Germany) (The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals WTR 1000)

Ribbon marker examples:


Competent advice, fast processing and a high degree of reliability. Everything was just right!

“I have now registered five trade marks through this firm. Research and advice have always been extremely accurate and competent. I also liked the fast service.”