We Protect Your Brand!

As a law firm specializing in intellectual property law, we are your reliable partner for all matters related to trademark protection. With our expertise in trademark law, we assist you swiftly, professionally, and with extensive experience. Our approach emphasizes clear communication, accessibility, customer-focused service, personal contact, and cost-effective solutions tailored to your company’s needs.

Protect and Maintain Your Trademark

After your trademark is filed and registered, it’s crucial to actively protect it. In trademark law, this means taking action against third parties who infringe on your trademark by using identical or similar marks in the course of trade.

Allowing competitors to copy or come too close to your trademark puts your brand at risk of dilution. Over time, this can weaken your legal protection and even render your trademark unenforceable. Protecting your trademark ensures it retains its value and exclusivity.

Brand monitoring

Keeping an eye on competitors is vital. If another party uses a trademark that resembles yours, it’s important to determine whether this constitutes trademark infringement and take appropriate action.

We can assist by providing trademark monitoring services, which include:

  • Regular checks of relevant trademark registers.
  • Alerting you if a third party registers a trademark similar to yours.
  • Supporting you in filing an opposition to prevent competing trademarks from being permanently registered.

Warning Letters & Preliminary Injunctions

If you suspect someone is infringing your trademark rights, we can help determine whether the infringement threshold has been crossed. If so, we will:

Issue a warning letter: This formal out-of-court step often resolves the issue efficiently.

File an injunction: If the warning letter is unsuccessful, we will prepare a preliminary injunction and represent you in court to enforce your rights.

Why Seek Legal Assitance?

Trademark law is complex, and defending your rights requires precision. If you lack experience in handling trademark infringements, consulting a legal expert ensures:

  • Your warning is properly drafted and legally sound.
  • You avoid the pitfalls of an unjustified warning.
  • You maximize your chances of resolving the issue efficiently and effectively.

Protect your trademark with confidence—let experienced attorneys handle the process for you.

Proactively Protect Your Trademark

Your trademark is a valuable asset—don’t leave it unguarded. From monitoring competitors to legal enforcement, we’re here to ensure your brand remains secure and exclusive. Contact us today for expert support in protecting your brand!

Tip 1

Caution When Issuing a Trademark Infringement Warning Yourself

If you decide to issue a warning directly to a trademark infringer without legal assistance, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and limitations:

  1. No reimbursement for legal costs:

    If you later seek legal assistance after issuing the warning yourself, you typically cannot recover the extrajudicial costs of your lawyer from the infringer.

  2. Risk of an unjustified warning:

    If your warning is found to be unjustified, the infringer may reject it, and you could be held liable for their legal costs. This is often referred to as the issue of an unjustified IP warning.

Tip 2

Act Quickly to Ensure a Successful Preliminary Injunction

To improve the chances of obtaining a preliminary injunction in court, it is crucial to act swiftly. The injunction should be filed within 4 weeks of becoming aware of the trademark infringement to establish the required urgency.

If you wish to issue a warning letter with a deadline for the infringer to respond before pursuing an injunction, it’s essential to:

  1. Seek legal advice immediately after discovering the infringement.
  2. Act consistently and without delay to address the issue.

Taking prompt action demonstrates the urgency of your case and strengthens your position in court. Delays can jeopardize your ability to secure effective legal remedies.

What is a brand?


Traditionally, a company or product name is protected by a registered trade mark (Adidas, iPod). Logos can also be protected as a trade mark. Slogans are also eligible for trade mark protection (Audi “Vorsprung durch Technik”).


Most valuable brands in 2024 in USD billion

Apple 517 $
Microsoft 340 $
Google 333 $
Amazon 309 $
Samsung 99 $

Source: statista.com

Registered trade marks