Protect Your Company Name: Trademark Registration

A registered trademark offers legal protection for your company name, granting you the exclusive right to use it in business. If someone infringes on your trademark, you have the authority to stop them from using your company name or logo.

Why Protect Your Company Name as a Trademark?

  • Exclusive use: Ensure your company name remains uniquely yours in the marketplace.
  • Infringement prevention: Legally prohibit unauthorized use of your company name or logo by third parties.
  • Market differentiation: Protect your brand identity and stand out from competitors.

Importance of Trademark Protection in Online Business

Trademark protection is particularly crucial in the online environment. Platforms like eBay®, Amazon®, and Etsy® are prone to misuse of company names and logos. A registered trademark allows you to act quickly and effectively against unauthorized sellers using your company name, safeguarding your brand’s reputation and preventing customer confusion.

Choosing the Right Trademark Registration

  • German Trademark:
    Ideal if your business operates only within Germany.
    Provides comprehensive protection in the German market.
  • European Trademark:
    Recommended if you plan to expand across European Union member states.
    A European trademark covers all EU countries, including Germany, and extends to new EU members as they join.
  • International Trademark:
    For business outside the EU, protection depends on specific countries of interest.
    Start with a basic trademark in Germany or Europe, then expand to countries like the USA, Switzerland, or other key markets.

Das internationale Fachmagazin

BREUER LEHMANN has been one of the top law firms for trademark applications in Germany since (1st place in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 by number of trademark applications in Germany) (The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals W 1000)

Protect Your Company Name Now

Protecting your company name is quick and simple:

  • Complete the trademark registration form online (takes less than five minutes).
  • Our team at Breuer Lehmann Rechtsanwälte will contact you shortly to guide you through the process.

Don’t wait to secure your business identity—start protecting your company name today!