Terms and conditions for Brand Monitoring
These general terms and conditions apply to the trademark monitoring service packages offered by BREUER LEHMANN RECHTSANWÄLTE Partnerschaft mbB (law firm).
The client’s terms and conditions shall only apply if this has been expressly agreed in writing.
- 1 Subject matter of the contract and scope of services: Brand monitoring
The purpose of the contract is to monitor the contract trademark(s) for conflicting new registrations in the relevant trademark registers. This does not include monitoring for infringements, e.g. on the Internet or the use of domain names.
- scope of monitoring
The monitoring of German trademarks (Germany Basic) takes place through ongoing research in the following trademark registers for conflicting identical and/or similar trademark applications:
- German trademark: German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA)
- European Union trademark: European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- for international trademarks with protection in Germany: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The monitoring of European Union trademarks (EU Basic) takes place through ongoing searches in the following trademark registers for conflicting identical and/or similar trademark applications:
- European Union trademark: European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- national trademark offices of the Member States of the European Union
- for international trademarks with protection in Germany: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The registers are continuously monitored and the results are evaluated by the law firm. The customer is only notified in the event of a collision. Notification is sent exclusively by email.
Ongoing monitoring ensures that the customer can file an objection to the newly registered trademark in good time in the event of a conflict. In some cases, this cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons. For example, if a trademark can only be searched in the registers once the objection period has already expired (eg IR trademarks). In this case, the customer is shown alternative ways of taking action against the trademark.
- Evaluation and advice on possible collisions
The research results are evaluated by the law firm and the customer is informed. Along with the information, the customer also receives a legal assessment of the prospects of success from a lawyer from the law firm, along with advice on how to proceed.
The trademark monitoring order and the associated flat rate do not include out-of-court representation of interests, the conduct of out-of-court negotiations and out-of-court correspondence, representation in official proceedings before the DPMA and the EUIPO, as well as activities within the framework of procedural representation. In these cases, the law firm will only act after notification of the expected costs and instruction from the client.
- 2 Subject matter of the contract and scope of services: Trademark Protection Pro
The subject of the order for the Brand Management Pro package is, on the one hand, all services as named in Section 1.
In addition, the “Brand Management Pro” package includes the following brand management services and legal advice:
- Brand management:
- Change of address of the owner of the contract mark
- Transfer of ownership or transfer of the contract trademark to a third party
- trademark extension and related deadline control
- legal advice and representation
- Advice, assessment of prospects of success and representation in opposition proceedings against the trademark
- Advice and assessment of the prospects of success in cancellation proceedings against the trademark
- Advice, assessment of prospects of success and out-of-court representation in the event of a warning against the trademark
Not included are any official fees that may be incurred by the Office in managing the contract mark or costs claimed by the opposing party.
This includes out-of-court representation of interests, conducting out-of-court negotiations and out-of-court correspondence, representation in official proceedings before the DPMA and the EUIPO in the event of oppositions against the contract trademark. It does not include representation in cancellation proceedings and court proceedings. In these cases, the law firm will only act after notification of the expected costs and the client has been commissioned.
- 3 Term, extension and termination of the contract
The mandate contract begins with the confirmation of the client’s order by the law firm. Confirmation of the order to the email address provided by the client is sufficient.
- Term 12 months with advance payment (regulation for contracts until 1.01.2024):
The contract term is 12 months. The calendar year is 01.01.-31.12.. If the law firm is commissioned during the year, the remaining months of the respective year will be charged pro rata. The contract will then automatically be extended by 12 months starting on 01.01, unless it is terminated by 31.10. of each year. In the event of termination, the contract will end on 31.12. of the same year.
The order will be placed on April 14, 2017. The initial term is May 1 to December 31, 2017. From January 1, 2018, the contract will run until December 31.
Billing is done through invoicing and direct debit in advance.
- Laufzeit 12 Monate bei Vorauszahlung (Regelung für Verträge ab 1.02.2024):
Die Laufzeit des Vertrags beträgt 12 ganze Monate mit Beginn des auf die Beauftragung folgenden Monatsersten. Der Vertrag verlängert sich danach automatisch um weitere 12 Monate, wenn er nicht 3 Monate im Voraus gekündigt wird. Im Falle der Kündigung endet der Vertrag jeweils zum Ablauf des 12-Monatszeitraums, in dessen Laufzeit die Kündigung ausgesprochen wurde.
Die Beauftragung erfolgt am 14.03.2024. Die Laufzeit beträgt zunächst 01.04.2024-31.03.2025.
Die Abrechnung erfolgt durch Rechnungsstellung und Lastschrifteinzugsverfahren im Voraus.
- flexible Zahlung bei monatlicher Kündbarkeit
Bei Wahl der Monatszahlung erfolgt die Zahlung durch monatliches Lastschrifteinzugsverfahren spätestens zum 10ten eines jeden Monats. Bei Kündigung des Vertrags in den ersten drei Monaten der Laufzeit des Vertrags bzw. im Zeitraum 01.01. – 31.03. eines jeden Jahres durch den Kunden behält sich die Kanzlei vor, etwaig entstandene Kosten bis maximal 3 Monatsbeiträge dem Kunden in Rechnung zu stellen. Die Kündigung des Vertrags ist jeweils zum Ende des auf die Kündigung folgenden Monats möglich.
Das Recht zur außerordentlichen Kündigung aus wichtigem Grund bleibt hiervon unberührt.
- 4 Mitwirkungspflichten des Mandanten
Der Mandant ist verpflichtet, alle für die Auftragsdurchführung notwendigen oder bedeutsamen Informationen rechtzeitig schriftlich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Insbesondere ist der Mandant verpflichtet der Kanzlei stets seine aktuellen Kontaktdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen und die Änderung von Name und/oder Anschrift des Markeninhabers mitzuteilen, um den Markenschutz aufrecht zu erhalten. Kann die Kanzlei den Mandanten nicht erreichen aufgrund veralteter Adressdaten oder sonstiger vom Mandanten zu vertretender Nichterreichbarkeit, so ist die Kanzlei nicht verpflichtet, z.B. die Marke des Mandanten zu verlängern. Gleiches gilt für den Fall der Einlegung eines Widerspruchs oder Löschungsverfahrens gegen die Marke des Mandanten. Kann dieser nicht erreicht werden ist die Kanzlei nicht verpflichtet, Maßnahmen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Markenschutzes zu unternehmen.
- 5 Vergütung
Das freibleibende Angebot auf unseren Webseiten gilt für Unternehmen und/oder Unternehmer (§ 14 BGB) und nicht für Verbraucher (§ 13 BGB) oder Letztverbraucher (§ 1 PAngV). Alle Preisangaben sind Nettopreise exklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer. Bei den online angegebenen Pauschalhonoraren handelt es sich um pauschale Honorare gem. § 4 Abs. 2 RVG.
In case of doubt, legal or other legal work will be billed in accordance with the Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG) without any further agreement. The official fees of the relevant trademark offices must be paid separately. All remuneration claims are due upon invoicing and are payable immediately without deductions.
- 6 Instruction
By providing the email address, the client consents, which can be revoked at any time, to receive information related to the mandate via email without restrictions. Communication via email and the sending of documents via the Internet are carried out solely at the client’s risk.
- 7 Liability
The law firm’s liability for damages caused by simple negligence arising from the contractual relationship is limited to EUR 10,000,000 (in words: ten million euros) for each individual case. The law firm is not liable for information provided by third parties, neither for its completeness, accuracy nor timeliness. Any claims for damages by the client expire in accordance with Section 51b of the Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO) within three years of their occurrence, but no later than three years after the end of the mandate.
- 8 Data Protection
In accordance with Section 33 of the Federal Data Protection Act, the law firm points out that personal data is stored, used and processed on data media by the law firm as part of the contract implementation. If the law firm uses third parties to provide the services offered, the law firm is entitled to disclose customer data if this is necessary to ensure operations. The client hereby agrees to this by placing the order.
- 9 Place of performance / jurisdiction
The contractual place of performance is the registered office of the law firm in Munich. The place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from the legal relationship underlying this contract is Munich.
- 10 Severability Clause
If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of these General Terms and Conditions remain unaffected in their content and validity.
Munich, November 23, 2021
BREUER LEHMANN · LAWYERS Partnership with limited professional liability, represented by Attorney Dennis Breuer LL.M. Attorney Volker Lehmann LL.M. Steinsdorfstraße 19 80538 Munich Registered in the partnership register of the Munich District Court under no. 1592 Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)89 666 610 89
Fax: +49 (0)89 255 513 1297
E-Mail: info@breuerlehmann.de