Step 1
Simply fill out our application form, hire our expert lawyers at a great fixed price, and receive your confirmation. You’re ready to go!
Not only can you safeguard names, but band names, logos, and slogans can also be protected as trademarks. By registering your trademark, you gain the exclusive right to prevent others from using it in a similar way.
Whether you need a word mark, a word/figurative mark, or a pure figurative mark, we’re here to help. Our experts will guide you in choosing the perfect trademark type and classification to ensure your brand gets the best protection possible.
Secure your brand’s future with Breuer Lehmann – your partner in trademark registration.
Simply fill out our application form, hire our expert lawyers at a great fixed price, and receive your confirmation. You’re ready to go!
Our expert lawyers will review your trademark’s protectability and get back to you in just 4-5 working days (or 24 hours with our express service) with a detailed report.
We create a list of goods and services for your trademark, conduct searches, and file your trademark at the trademark office, all in consultation with you.
After registering your trademark, we’ll send you the official confirmation. Once it’s successfully registered, you’ll receive your trademark certificate.
Registering your trademark with us gives you a dedicated contact person and expert phone advice from specialist lawyers. We handle all communication with trademark offices and guide you as well through the Amazon Brand Registry – all included with BREUER LEHMANN.
The international trade mark application is always customised and tailored to your needs. Contact us by phone or e-mail and you will receive a customised offer immediately.
Please note: The flat fee does not include VAT. The official fees per trade mark that have to be paid to the DPMA, EUIPO and WIPO must be added. This non-binding offer is aimed exclusively at companies, freelancers and public authorities. Additional class fees may apply. However, these fees will only be invoiced after your individual authorisation in order to keep the costs transparent for you.
In addition to your trade mark application in Germany or DACH, the European Union or internationally, we also carry out trade mark searches for you and monitor the protection of your trade mark in the long term. Please contact us for individual offers, especially if you have several trade mark applications.
Fair prices. Top service.
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As a full-service trademark law firm, we have specialised in helping you to create a strong trademark since 2012. We are happy to advise you on everything from choosing the right package for your trade mark application to ways in which we can protect and enforce your trade mark in the long term.
Book your trade mark application with BREUER LEHMANN now or contact us if you have any questions. Our initial consultation is free of charge for you.
Trademark Monitoring
In addition to the trade mark application, you can have your trade mark permanently monitored by BREUER LEHMANN from just €249 (per trade mark, per year)
Book monitoring now with your trade mark application or contact us.
If you instruct us to register a trade mark for a third party, we require a power of attorney from the future trade mark owner. The trade mark application is not only associated with rights for the trade mark owner but also with obligations. In this respect, it is important to ensure that the future trademark owner authorises the trademark application before registering a trademark. We can provide you with a power of attorney if required.
The protection of your trade mark in the DACH region can easily be carried out by the law firm BREUER LEHMANN. Our top seller protects your trade mark optimally in German-speaking countries and secures your exclusive trade mark rights in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
We need around 3-5 working days to check your order. As part of a 24-hour express order, we can also complete this within 24 hours (only on working days). We will then get back to you with an examination report and make suggestions as to how your trade mark can be registered. Only if you then give us the green light will we file the trade mark application for you.
The examination and registration of a German trade mark costs from EUR 290 official fees plus our legal fee from EUR 189 net. The examination and application of a European Union trade mark costs from EUR 850 official fees plus our legal fee from EUR 349 net. However, we recommend that you carry out searches for existing identical and similar trade marks in advance, as trade mark disputes can quickly become very expensive. You can minimise such risks with professional trademark searches. We offer such searches as part of our PRO packages.
Trade mark application Germany
For international trade mark applications, please send us a list of the countries in which you would like to register a trade mark.
You can always extend the protection of a trade mark to other countries later, including the EU (EU trade mark).
However, you should bear in mind that someone can always “get in the way” in other countries. In other words, if you first register the trade mark in Germany and then 3 years later for the EU, you must expect that in the intervening period someone else will have registered a trade mark identical or similar to your trade mark in the country you then want to protect, which could lead to a trade mark conflict.
You can rule this out if you apply for protection in the other countries in the period of up to 6 months after filing the German trade mark (priority period). This is because the priority (seniority) of the German trade mark is also granted to you in the other countries for this period. If, for example, you apply for the EU trade mark 4 months after the German trade mark and claim this priority, you can take action against third parties who have applied for an identical or similar EU trade mark 3 months after your German trade mark but 1 month before your EU trade mark: because you can invoke the better priority in Germany against them, which then also applies to your EU trade mark.
In this respect, you can initially only apply for the German trade mark, but you should keep the issue of priority in mind if you intend to extend the protection of the trade mark to other countries in the foreseeable future.
The following can be protected as trade marks:
Are you unsure what the object you want to protect belongs to? Then please contact us free of charge and without obligation. We will be happy to help you.
In principle, all trade marks must be distinctive.
For example, the word mark for the sportswear sector may not be “trainers” but must read “Adidas”. It must be taken into account that the trade mark proprietor can prohibit a third party from using the trade mark or a similar sign in the corresponding goods or service sector.
Descriptive technical terms or common abbreviations in a particular field cannot be protected, nor can the English, French or Italian translation of the word. Furthermore, trade marks may not be immoral, for example (Fack ju Göthe).
The owners of registered and applied-for trade marks can be natural persons (you personally), legal entities (GmbH, AG etc.) and partnerships (GbR etc.), Section 7 MarkenG. Several natural or legal persons can also be the owner of a trade mark.
A trade mark can be registered to several persons (= natural or legal persons) together. Please note, however, that conflicts between the various trade mark owners can then also affect the use and enforcement of the trade mark. You should therefore agree a regulation in the event that you disagree so that the trade mark does not “perish in the dispute”.
The registration of a new trade mark can always lead to the infringement of an earlier trade mark.
As a result, the owner of the earlier trade mark may incur costs through out-of-court or court proceedings, the new trade mark may be cancelled and no longer used and compensation payments may be made up to the amount of profits lost. In addition, a new brand name and a new corporate design must now be found for your own company. This can be avoided at low cost by conducting a trade mark search before registering a trade mark.
Our fixed-price “PRO” packages include such trade mark searches for identical or similar trade marks. If the search turns up older trade marks, we will help you to find out how you can still successfully register an amended trade mark.