Apply for a European Union trademark (EUTM)
Benefits of registering a European Union trade mark
- One single online trademark registration is valid in all EU Member States.
- At reasonable cost you get exclusive rights in all current and future EU Member States.
- Enforce your trademark in a market of almost 500 million customers.
- Once registered, your EUTM is cvalid fir 10 years and can can be renewed indefinitely.
Around 1,4 million trade marks are registered in the trademark Register of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). In 2016 there have been 135.000 new trademarks registered. We successfully filed more than 1.500 European trademarks before EUIPO for our clients. Thus we are a top 10 law firm before EUIPO in Germany for the application and protection of European Union trademarks.
Is your trade mark still available for registration? With our trademark filing packages we help you register your trademark quick and safely.
Just choose the package that suits your needs and we will take care in a timely manner.
- Upfront legal review + Classification of goods and services + Electronic Filing before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) + Legal Representation before EUIPO + Checking and forwarding the registration certificate
- DIY: no upfront conflict search!
- Optional: Express 48h Review & filing within 48 hrs (weekdays)
- Upfront legal review + Classification of goods and services + Electronic Filing before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) + Legal Representation before EUIPO + Checking and forwarding the registration certificate
- Basic conflict search: trademark search only for identical trademarks.
- Optional: Express 48h Review & filing within 48 hrs (weekdays)
PRO (recommended)
- Upfront legal review + Classification of goods and services + Electronic Filing before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) + Legal Representation before EUIPO + Checking and forwarding the registration certificate
- Highly recommended: Professional upfront trademark Search for identical and similar trademarks in all 27 EU Member States.
- Optional: Express 48h Review & filing within 48 hrs (weekdays)